Saturday, July 31, 2010

One Great BIG Tip!!!!!!!!

Hello! I have one great big tip for you all!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH FOOD NETWORK OR ANY OTHER COOKING CHANNEL! IT IS FUN TO WATCH AND YOU CAN LEARN A LOT! But seriously, you really should watch some sort of cooking show! Thats my ONE GREAT BIG TIP! (or maybe not so big). heehee

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Banana Boats

At Camp Forest Springs, a christian camp I went to, we had to camp outside for one night. During that night, we had to cook our food over the fire. Then we made a dessert over the fire. I didn't have one but my friends did and said they were so good!!!!!!!!!! Usually you would make the over a fire, but you can put it in the oven on broil. So this is how to make Banana Boats:

You will need:

one banana

mini chocolate chips

mini marshmallows

peanut butter


How to make it:

You take the banana, but don't peel it!!!! Just make two slits the long way on the peel about a half an inch deep. Then peel back that part of the banana, but don't take it all the way of the banana. Then take part of the banana out and put peanut butter on it. Then take a handful of mini chocolate chips and sprinkle them on on the peanut butter. And finally take ten mini marshmallows and put those on on top of the peanut butter and chocolate chips. Then put the peel that we cut and put it on top. Rap the whole thing in tinfoil and put it in the broiler until everything is melted. then take it out, and eat it!!! Yummmmmmmmm!!!!